How to cure psoriasis at home remedies popular?

Psoriasis is non-communicable disease, each year, affecting a growing number of people. The official medicine is not ready to provide effective drugs against the disease – pharmacy measurement tools only on a topical treatment (removal of the outside signs of the disease). After a certain time occurs, a relapse of the skin becomes covered with new skin rashes. The traditional medicine is a of the most effective methods to get rid of psoriasis. Herbal are capable of fighting the disease locally and in the interior, for their use is not necessarily the permission of a doctor, because most drugs are safe for the body.


The causes and symptoms of psoriasis

The complexity of the treatment of psoriasis in the fact that the doctor is not able to determine exactly what pathogen will cause lesions of the skin. The opinions of experts are divided, but no hypothesis has not found official confirmation.

The most common hypothesis of the development of psoriasis:

  • genetics of heredity.
  • the viral nature(the most controversial of the theory)
  • the weakening of the body's defenses;
  • fungal and staphylococcal infections;
  • harmful environment;
  • the pathology of the immune system;
  • the mental disorders.

The disease is not contagious by contact is not spent. Droplets catch psoriasis also will not work.

Determine psoriasis simply signs of the disease have brilliant symptoms:

  • itching on the affected by the pidermes;
  • the red patches with clearly defined abroad;
  • in the event of damage to the dermis, new peeling spots.

In the elderly, the disease is rarely a lesion of the dermis is more common among young people.

An impact on the disease

Psoriasis is a disease affecting the skin, for reasons that are not always able to determine, even for an experienced doctor, so medically have an impact on the symptoms, it is recommended that a mix of medicines and other complementary measures. The medications must be set by the physician – self-medication can result in dangerous complications, the rapid development of the disease.

A treatment that is happening on this pattern:

  • local (external) application of hormonal methods;
  • the diet normalize the metabolic processes in the body;
  • no hormonal drugs with a moisturizer, revitalizing the exhibition, which stop cell division;
  • physiotherapy manipulation (UV blood, excimer laser, cryotherapy);
  • reception of vitamin complexes.

The disease can lead to nervous disorders, neurasthenia, often supplemented by a treatment with the help of psychologists. The table below with changes in hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.

The basic rules for the treatment

Treatment at home led to positive results, but subject to strictly follow the recommendations and rules of the alternative medicine. The patient necessarily meet the following requirements:

  • the treatment is carried out until the disappearance of symptoms of the disease – 2-4 procedures were vain;
  • the fight against the disease in an integrated way – use of tools within and external;
  • not to forego the help of a doctor – to combine, if necessary, medicines and pharmaceutical preparations;
  • complete the treatment plan;
  • to protect the skin against the harmful, external exposure, in the course of treatment (use a protective cream or oil.

The application of remedies to pre-negotiate with the doctor. In the presence of contraindications to the use of popular methods of refuse treatment and to apply the methods of traditional medicine.

Before you use any other means to test the tolerance of the body to the active components. To do this, apply 3-5 drops of the preparation of medicines on the ground of the body, with increased sensitivity (elbow, "crescent" behind the ear, wrist) and wait 2 hours. If the body receives the alarm signal is allowed to use the tool for external use.

The coal to be active against psoriasis

Quickly cure at home disease help active carbon having properties to remove toxins from the body. Some doctors believe that the disease causes a poisoning, therefore, the excretion of harmful substances helps to get rid of symptoms of psoriasis.

The dosage of the drug is calculated on the body mass. 6 to 8 kg, just one pill. Days portion of the active carbon, it is recommended to divide into 2 parts and take two doses in the evening and the morning. Drink an abundant amount of liquid.

The processing is carried out in two courses, of a duration of one month. Break – 25 days. The presence of complications to the complete release of the disease will disappear for up to four courses.

In the treatment of active carbon to follow a diet, limit the consumption of fat, salt, spices, dishes. Another requirement – to drink during the day 2 litres of liquid (water, herbal tea, tea).

The treatment of the disease of the soda

The application of the caustic, it is recommended to get rid of acne on the scalp, hands and other parts of the body. The fight against psoriasis, traditional medicine recommends a bath with baking soda. The results of the manipulation – permanently get rid of inflammatory processes on the skin, the discomfort (itching, burning sensation), improvement of blood circulation.

The conduct of the proceedings:

  1. Take a hot soothing shower prepares the skin for the procedure.
  2. Fill the tub with hot water.
  3. Add the liquid of 450 gr. the bicarbonate of soda.
  4. Mix the solution until the dissolution of the soda.
  5. Take a bath for half an hour.

The residues of moisture from the body is not recommended, the liquid should dry yourself. The procedure is repeated after 2 days. Repeat for the full release of signs of the disease on all parts of the body – up to 15, but of complications, it is advisable to extend the course. It possible to complete the bathroom of receipt of domestic drugs on the inside – this will help you to cure psoriasis quickly and effectively.

The treatment of the starch

The affected areas of the dermis on the body, it is recommended to treat the lotions starch-based. For the treatment of the disease on the head or the face can not use the tool may cause peeling of the skin. House of medicine will help you to get rid of acne, help relieve the discomfort.

Preparation and application:

  1. Mix in equal proportions, of the starch, the wheat flour.
  2. Add a granular mixture of hot water, the mass should resemble a semi-liquid fresh cream.
  3. Leave for half an hour for the swelling of the composition.
  4. Apply on the affected area of the skin, leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse, wipe out the remnants of moisture.

Treat the house of the disease, it is recommended that all days, a day is enough of a procedure. Duration of training is 3 weeks. Combine with oral medications.

St. john's wort

Excellent results of treatment of the starch and of the decoction containing st. john's wort. Prepare a remedy for the effects on the disease inside just – mix 100 gr. plant materials (leaves, flowers of st. john's wort), boiling water (1 liter). Let stand for 3 hours of maceration, it is recommended to wrap with a capacity for more concentrated drugs. Take three times per day 50 ml

The application of bay leaves in the fight against psoriasis

Bay leaf, it is recommended to use to get rid of the lesions on the head, the pidermes throughout the body. Restrictions on the use of non – composition course, does not cause complications, allergic manifestations.

The preparation, the application:

  1. Crush the hands of 20 leaves of the laurel tree.
  2. Bring to boil water (500 ml), pour the dough.
  3. Poison composition on heat to low and simmer, do not remove the cover, a quarter of an hour.
  4. To insist on, leaving the lid on, for a sound that is rich and concentrated broth, wrap them in a capacity of a tea towel.
  5. Filter, use for that the fabric of gauze (cut to 3 layers).

Take the tool twice a day – after waking up and before sending it to the bed. The dosage for a reception and 80 ml of Exceed the recommended amount of liquid is prohibited on the effectiveness of the treatment of psoriasis is not affected. The duration of the treatment a week. The fastest way in the treatment of psoriasis – supplement to the receipt of a decoction of laurel lotions starch-based. Even started disease, with complications, will take 3-5 days (but in each patient result is different).

The treatment of an ointment made of leaves of laurel

Still an available and effective drug that can cure the psoriasis on the head or the pidermes forever – an ointment prepared from the leaves of the laurel tree. The preparation of the composition:

  1. Heat in a water bath of vaseline (50 gr.).
  2. Add in the drug crushed into a paste, and bay leaves.
  3. Insist in a warm place for 3-5 days, regular garments.

Apply the product on the affected area of the skin or of the scalp. Previously it is recommended to wash the skin, remove the moisture, wait for the drying. After application do not rinse for an hour.

Apply once a day. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. It is recommended to take care of complications, the rapid spread of the rash, the discomfort on the dermis. Forbidden to apply to children, allergic reactions of the skin, pregnant women.

The treatment of oil solid

The best remedies to complement the composition-based solidol, able to cope with the disease, within a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Useful properties of the substance – the elimination of burning, itching, softening of platelets, decrease of desquamation, an update to the tissues of the skin. Use the tools with oil strong as the active component is not recommended on the lesions of the scalp – a substance that is poorly washed.

The composition of ointments solidol:

  • honey (55 gr.);
  • grease (100 gr.);
  • the fruit of the wild rose (40 gr.);
  • onion;
  • the flower of sulphur powder (15 gr.);
  • the egg protein.

The follicle clean, grind, squeeze the juice (you need 20 ml jẳįšwẳl liquid). The fruit of the wild rose (dry) grind into powder. The protein shred in the dense foam. Put in a bain-marie of the fat, mixed with bee product, after cooking, remove, add the rest of the components. Mix until smooth consistency. Pour into a glass container, well closed. Store in the refrigerator.

Use the ointment every day. The number of applications, once per day. It is recommended to perform the procedure in 2 to 5 hours before bedtime – the composition should be fully absorbed.

Permit complete treatment of an ointment base solidol, with a bath of bicarbonate of soda, lotion of the starch, the domestic drugs inside. The tool has no counter-indication, but is capable of causing an allergic reaction in sensitive, prone to irritation of the dermis. When the alarm signal of the body in the form of rashes, redness, a burning sensation of the composition to remove immediately, rinse the treated surfaces with hot liquid with the addition of soap to the tool.

The treatment of psoriasis without drugs gives good results, skin rashes disappear quickly and without complications. Another rule is not to start the treatment of the disease without the prior consent of the domestic medicines with your doctor.